Monday, May 14, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Top KONY Commander captured by Ugandan Army

The Ugandan army announced Sunday, May 13, the arrest of a deputy Joseph Kony , the leader of the Arm ed Lord's Resistance Army (LRA, Lord's Resistance Army ), wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes war.

According to the Popular Defence Forces of Uganda (UPDF), General Achellam Caesar was captured during an ambush Saturday on the banks of Mboun in Central African Republic . He was armed with an assault rifle AK-47 magazines and eight had in his possession. He was arrested with his wife, one daughter and one of his assistants.

According to Ugandan military sources, the Ugandan units waited in ambush for three weeks after having followed the track of his band of thirty fighters. Caesar Acellam was separated from his men, however, a few days ago, for reasons unknown at present. The Ugandan army is at the forefront of the regional force charged with the support of U.S. Special Forces to hunt down the LRA and Joseph Kony in particular. The army believes that his capture might encourage other militiamen to abandon the ranks of the LRA.

Acellam is the most senior LRA captured to date. This is number four, behind its three main leaders, Joseph Kony, Okot Odhiambo and Dominic Ongwen , all wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC). The arrest warrant of the ICC is also a fourth man, Vincent Otti , historically Commander and Vice President of the LRA, but everything leads us to believe that he died.

He has been transferred Sunday in the small town of Nzara Southern Sudan, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo , the headquarters of the regional forces mandated by the African Union (AU) to hunt down the LRA. The man, tall, aged 49 and an old injury is limping , has to undergo medical checks.

Created in the late 1980s in northern Uganda, the LRA is known for its sinister child abduction, she transforms into soldiers or slaves, and his mutilation of civilians. Since being expelled from Uganda , it operates from other countries in the region - Central, South Sudan , Sudan and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Ugandan forces are allowed to intervene either in the DRC or the Sudan . Last month, a controversial video of the American NGO Invisible Children of Joseph Kony had thrown a spotlight on the LRA, making Internet sensation.

May 10, the ICC prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo , predicted that Kony would be "arrested or killed before the end of this year." The next day, the UN special representative for Africa, Central, Abu Musa, had revealed that the troops on the heels of Joseph Kony constrained him to move constantly. After having a thought in the Central time, Moussa said that the fugitive could now find in the Darfur region of western Sudan ravaged by civil war since 2003.

Joseph Kony, a former altar boy semi-illiterate, took in 1988 the head of the LRA, whose objective was to replace the government in Kampala by a regime based on the Ten Commandments of the Christian faith.

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